2014年1月11日 星期六

Wubaochun Milk Loaf 吳寶春金牌牛奶吐司

不知道你知道吳寶春是誰嗎? 相信很多台灣朋友都知道他的威水史。 他是台灣奮鬥了二十多的麵包師博,2010年以荔枝玫瑰麵包參加世界盃麵包大師賽贏得冠軍! 回國後他在台北及高雄開設了自己的麵包店。他的故事在2013更被拍成電影- 世界第一麥方。三月的台灣之旅要買很多他的麵包好好吃。今次第一次用它公開的配方去做方包...

450g 麵包模


  • 高筋麵粉 300g 
  • 砂糖 24g 
  • 鹽 5g 
  • 牛油 15g 
  • 水 135ml 
  • 速發酵母 3g 
  • 牛奶 69ml 

1. 除牛油外,將所有材料倒入電動攪拌器(保留約30ml 水後加),先用低速打約2-3分鐘至沒有粉粒,再用中速打2-3分鐘成一個完整的麵團,中途慢慢加入保留的水,每次加水時要先轉低速攪拌再轉中速打,一路加水打至麵團十分柔軟。
2. 加入牛油,先用低速打1-2分鐘,待牛油跟麵團融合後,再轉中速打成有薄膜而不破爛的麵團,打25-35分鐘,中途要不時停機將黏在勾上的麵團刮下來再攪拌。時間每人都不同,重要的是形成薄膜。

3. 取出麵團滾圓底部向下,放置在抺上少許油的大盆中進行第一次發酵,蓋上保鮮紙,防止麵團表面吹乾,保持發酵的温度在28度左右。如果是夏天可以放在温室發酵,但如果冬天發酵就要放入微波爐加一杯暖水,令麵團保持在一個温暖的環境下發酵,如果水涼了就換另一杯取代。發酵時間大概1-1.5小時,發至原本麵團的2倍大。
4. 用手指測驗麵團,手指沾高筋麵粉,將手指插入麵團的中間,約數cm 的深度,如果沒有馬上彈回就代表可以。如果彈回就需要再發酵。
5. 取出麵團,桌上撒些高筋麵粉,麵團表面也撒少少,用手壓出大氣泡,磅重量,平均分兩份,各自滾圓,蓋上保鮮紙靜置15分鐘。

6. 壓平麵團成長方形捲起,蓋上保鮮紙靜置15分鐘。

7. 第二次壓平麵團成長方形捲起,寛度跟麵包箱的寛度相約,放入麵包箱中進行第二次發酵,同樣,如果冬天需要放在微波爐內加一杯熱水,發到9分满,約1-1.5小時。
8. 放入預熱200度的焗爐焗40分鐘。
9. 取出,連麵包模離枱敲在工作枱上,扣倒出麵包放涼切片。


  • bread flour 300g 
  • sugar 24g 
  • salt 5g 
  • butter 15g 
  • water 135ml 
  • instant yeast 3g 
  • milk 69ml 
1. Except butter, put all ingredients into the mixing machine(keep 30ml of water for the later stage). Use a low speed to mix for 2-3 minutes until everything is combined. Use the medium speed to mix for 2-3 minutes until it forms a dough. During this process, add the remaining water slowly. Every time when u add water, turn to low speed first and turn to medium speed only after the water is well combined with the dough. Beat until the dough is very soft and smooth.
2. Add butter, use the low speed again and wait around 1-2 minutes until it is incorporated with the dough. Use the medium speed to beat the dough for around 25-35 minutes until the thin sheet is formed without breaking. While the machine is beating the dough, you have to stop the machine and clean the hook from time to time so that all the mixture is evenly kneaded. The key is to form the thin sheet.
3. Remove the dough from the machine, put it into a light buttered bowl and let it rise in warm place around 28 degree. Cover the dough by a plastic cling to avoid forming dry skin. If it is summer, you could let the bowl to sit in the room temperature. If it is winter, you need to put that into the microwave with a cup of hot water next to it to provide a warm and moist environment. If the hot water becomes cool, replace by another one. Let the dough to rise around 1- 1.5 hour or it doubles in size.
4. Use your finger to test the dough, stick your finger with some bread flour and put it into the dough around several cm depth. If the dough does not bounce back, it means ok. If the dough is very elastic and bounce back, then you have to let it rise for some more time.
5. Remove the dough from the bowl. Spread little bread flour on your working desk and some onto the dough. Use your hand to flatten the dough so that the big air bubbles inside could be released. Put the dough on the scale and evenly separate into two halves. Rub the doughs into ball shape and cover them with plastic cling and let it cool for 15 minutes.
6. Roll the doughs into rectangular shape and fold the dough and roll and let it cool with plastic cling covered for another 15 minutes.
7. Roll the doughs again into rectangular shape and fold the dough and roll with width slightly less than your bread baking mold. Put the doughs into the mold and put it into the microwave for the second time. Same as the first time, you have to put a cup of hot water inside if this is winter until the dough rise to nearly 90% of the mold.
8. Put it into a preheated 200 degree oven for 40 minutes.
9. Remove from oven, tap the bread together with the mold on the working surface. Remove the bread from the mold and let it cool and cut into slices.

